Each December, this memorial service brings light and warmth to the winter season. During this time of gathering we remember our loved ones with music, readings, reflections and a candle-lighting ritual that highlights the importance of light in six major faith traditions. We also provide the opportunity for you light a candle for your loved one as we collectively honor their life.

Programs and resources designed to help you
Grief counseling
Grief counseling begins for many people with a call to Pathways for bereavement support after the death of someone. Many who call have never used counseling. Counseling need not be complicated. Our bereavement therapists have had extensive training and experience. They have the passion to help those in grief.
When you call, we will want to know about you, how you have been since the death and about the person who passed. If the loss is recent, we will recommend meeting individually with one of our therapists. These first sessions are offered on Zoom or face to face in one of our three offices noted below. Availability depends on the assigned therapist’s schedule and yours. Meeting in-person in the office will be based on our therapists’ availability.

Grief support groups
If you or someone you know needs grief support, Pathways Home Health & Hospice offers individual counseling and group support. Grief support groups are held throughout the year with many groups beginning the second week of September through early June and some through the summer. Groups are for six weeks, then take a break, and then resume with new and continuing participants for six weeks.
Looking for more information? Contact us to learn more about Pathways Bereavement Groups.
Memorial Services
In May, with the ushering in of Memorial Day, graduations, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day we are often reminded of the absence of our loved one. As a way to honor those special people whose absence we miss dearly, Pathways offers a time to come together to foster renewal and growth through music, readings, reflections and collectively creating a large flower bouquet.
Preparing for the Holidays, we will be making many decisions about how to move forward. We encourage you to take care of yourself during one of the most difficult times of the year for someone who is grieving. Please let us support you by following the link to our multi page handout Pathways Through the Holidays.

Open to all
Pathways provides bereavement services to the bereaved served in Pathways Home Health and Hospice. Pathways also can provide bereavement to anyone who has experienced someone’s death within the past 13 months.
All bereaved services are supported by donations to the Pathways Foundation. Donations ensure that we can always continue to provide grief support to anyone in the communities we serve. Donations are encouraged.
Learn about Jewish mourning, Shiva traditions, customs and more. Plan for a Shiva. Find and send the appropriate sympathy items and food for a Shiva home.
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