Patient Care volunteers serve as members of the hospice team by sharing skills and interests in a manner that provides comfort and enriches the quality of life for those served. Support services include companionship, friendly visiting, active listening, bedside sitting and sharing hobbies and interests such as reading, gardening, listening to music, sports, travel, crafts, etc., Visits may occur at home or in residential care facilities.

There is something for everyone at Pathways
If you have been thinking about volunteering, we have a place for you! There are many different ways to volunteer that can match your time and talents. We will work with your schedule and where you live to help make your volunteering experience rewarding for all involved. Pathways volunteers typically provide four hours of their time and services each week. Additionally, there are opportunities for special projects where your commitment fits the length of the project.
Volunteer options
Volunteers who have military experience assist Veteran patients and their families by providing a unique companionship that culminates from the camaraderie between both the Veteran Volunteer and Veteran patient. Veteran Volunteers may educate and assist patients and their families in receiving Veteran benefits and may participate in pinning ceremonies or distribute certificates for Veterans Day and other recognition events. Veterans have the unique ability to relate with one another in an environment where life review and healing may occur.
Office Volunteers assist Pathways Staff with patient and non-patient related administration which may include mailings, data entry, filing, brochure assembly and volunteering for special events such as an Afternoon of Remembrance, Celebration of Light, Christmas caroling and the annual Links to The Heart Golf tournament.
Licensed and Certified trained volunteers provide specialized care for patients using the “whole person approach to medicine” which is designed to treat the mind, body, and spirit all at the same time. Pathways is seeking trained persons who specialize in Reiki, massage therapy, pet companions, hair styling and Acutonics.
Nurses, Social Workers and Volunteers often bring comfort items to patients. These heartwarming gifts made by Volunteers include such items as blankets and throws, bone and heart pillows, eye pillows and essential oil baskets.
If you are a business or an individual interested in collaborating with Pathways on projects and events, we can use your assistance. Please e-mail [email protected].
Bereavement Support is available at Pathways Home Health and Hospice. This program offers compassionate, non-judgmental support to individuals and families experiencing loss. Our goal is to provide a safe, caring, and compassionate environment to allow individuals to express their feelings and move towards healing. Assistance is accessible for caregivers, families, and friends following a death of a loved one. Support is also offered to those who are anticipating a loss. Bereavement Staff and trained Bereavement Intern Volunteers will assist in the program as counselors and group facilitators.
Office Volunteers assist Pathways Foundation Staff with non-patient related administration which may include mailings, data entry, filing, brochure assembly, and volunteering for special events such as the annual Links to The Heart Golf Tournament and One From The Heart Breakfast. Opportunities also exist for leadership positions in committees and our Board of Directors.
Training and support for volunteers
Pathways offers specialized training several times throughout the year emphasizing on building skills in cross-cultural, end of life care. You will be introduced to the history of hospice, the goals and philosophy of care and what to expect during stages of death as well as participate in interactive discussions with panel presenters such as Volunteers, Spiritual Care Counselors, Social Workers and MD’s. Each presentation strives to deepen your knowledge and understanding of hospice and the importance of your role whether you work directly with patients or support staff. Every role is a crucial and important part of the whole in providing the best possible care for Pathways patients and their families.
Click on the Volunteer Portal to fill out your application. A Volunteer specialist will be in contact with you soon!
Call us at (888) 978-1306 to talk to our Manager of Volunteer Services about your place at Pathways. You can also email us at [email protected] or sign up to be a volunteer on our volunteer portal. (Click here to fill out an application.)